Author: admin

My dad’s side of the family always has cooked carrots in some form for most holidays. One year, I hosted Thanksgiving and while I felt obligated to serve some form of cooked carrots, I was bored with steamed baby carrots. This recipe was an accidental success thanks to two things: my kids wanting to “help” cook and a bunch of extra ingredients on the counter. I keep crinkle cutters for my little kids in the kitchen. They aren’t sharp enough to damage fingers and they’re perfect for letting kids chop veggies. When my kids were really little they were able…

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As a type A personality, I love planning ahead. I create checklists for holiday planning and I usually try to buy gifts early. This gives me something nice to look forward to, and on a practical level ensures everything gets here on time! Many companies offer holiday deals earlier than ever to allow for extended shipping times, so I wanted to take advantage of these as well. While we try to stick to experiences instead of stuff as much as possible (here are some of my favorite ideas from past years), it’s always nice to receive a thoughtful and well…

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Earthing (also called grounding) can be a controversial topic. Many report improved well-being and fantastic health benefits, including better sleep and less pain. However, critics emphasize the need for more solid scientific studies supporting this practice. Let’s delve into the evidence. What is Earthing?  Earthing or grounding involves putting the body into direct and uninterrupted contact with the earth. This means the skin needs to touch soil, sand, water, or conductive material on the surface of the earth. Clint Ober brought attention to the concept in 2010 with his book Earthing: The Most Important Health Discovery Ever! He discovered the…

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